Poetry Contest

Poetry Contest

Calling All Poetry Writers Poetry Writing Contest! You’re invited to enter your creative poems! –Submit your Poems to the Neillsville Public Library in the month of March –Stop in at the library and turn it in at the desk OR submit via email to:...
2025 Keyword Reading Challenge

2025 Keyword Reading Challenge

A new year a new reading challenge. Your task is simple. HOW IT WORKS—Read 24 books this year. Read TWO books each month with one (or more) of the keywords in the title. The challenge is available at the library or you can download it here.
Sneak Peak on March 27th

Sneak Peak on March 27th

There will be a sneak peek at our new releases on Thursday, March 27th, at 4 pm! You are allowed new 2 items with a checkout period of just two weeks!
Neillsville Storybook Trail

Neillsville Storybook Trail

You are invited to visit our brand new Storybook Trail!! Where: Schuster Park along the walking path What: Enjoy this new opportunity in our Schuster Park along the walking path as children of all ages experience the fun of reading and some trivia while walking along...
Calling all Collectors!

Calling all Collectors!

Our Curio Cabinet is lonely and needs more collectors willing to display their treasures! Please call us if you have a collection you are willing to display for a few weeks at the Library! We will take anything that is unique and will fit in the cabinet! Many Library...