The Neillsville Chamber of Commerce, The Neillsville Public Library, and the C.A.R.T. Center are encouraging businesses and individuals to get in on the FROSTY THE NO-SNOW SNOWMAN Challenge! It is a No-snow-required snowman contest.

You could win Chamber Bucks prizes and bragging rights as the winner of the Snowless Frosty Snowman contest!

We challenge businesses and groups to get involved with Winter Carnival and to construct a snowman out of any materials they choose except real snow.

The deadline to enter a snowman display at the Neillsville Public Library is Monday, February 17 through Tuesday, February 18! The library hours are Monday 10 am – 8 pm and Tuesday 10 am – 5 pm.

  • The “Snowless Frosty” must be made from materials of your choice but cannot contain snow!
  • Photographs are not allowed as a primary snowman (photos may be placed on the snowman for decoration).
  • The snowman must be original – not store-bought (pieces & supplies may be store-bought but not the entire snowman).
  • Recycled materials are encouraged.
  • The name of the organization/department or group must be visible on the snowman display.

Judging Categories:

  • 1 Business Entry
  • 2 Individual Entry
  • 3 Group/Family Entry

The Snowman displays may not be larger than 3 feet in any direction and will be displayed at the Neillsville Public Library leading up to the weekend of Winter Carnival! Your organization is responsible for picking up the snowman display by 8 pm Monday, February 24 or it will be discarded and recycled. Judging will be Thursday; February 20 and the winners will be announced and prizes awarded at C.A.R.T. during the entertainment performance. The prizes include Chamber Bucks prizes and bragging rights as winners of the Snowless Frosty Snowman contest!